No Regular meeting this Wednesday OCTOBER 23rd.  
Kensington-Berlin Rotary and Berlin-Peck Library is sponsoring an Opiod Addiction Event. We will be handing out Deterra drug activation/self dissolving bags and broschures along with refreshments. Please join us by registering at the Berlin-Peck Library Website.
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 6:30 pm
The evening begins with the performance of Suddenly, a short but powerful play by Ellen Davis Sullivan that describes a couple's grief,
bitterness and anger as they write an obituary for their daughter. Then hear presentations by Luis Pantoja, who is the Health Educator at
Central Connecticut Health District, and Jessica Collins, who is the Regional Director of Behavioral Health at Hospital of Central CT and
oversees the H.O.P.E. (Heroin/Opioid Prevention & Education) Initiative.